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What worries you?​

The mission of this community is to offer color ideas for our walls that help us improve aspects that concern us from day to day, such as sleep problems, our children´s academic performance or any change in our lives, in which the color It brings us well-being and benefits, as well as fun and daring wall decoration ideas.


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Ancla 1

My son has problems with studies

If you have children of school age, you will be interested in knowing the advice of the expert Nuria Carmona, she offers us some keys to improve concentration by changing the decoration of the walls. 


Is it true that some colors help us lose weight?

We all know that when it comes to losing weight, exercise and diet are key. But did you know that painting our home with some specific colors can help us eliminate those extra kilos?


Lately I´m stressed, I need to stop.

Colors affect us emotionally and physically, a clear example of how light and color cause changes in the body is the use of blue light lamps in newborns...


I need to change the air in my beach house

Surely you have ever taken a look at a magazine and you have been amazed or amazed with the style with which some celebrities decorate, in this post we are going to give you ideas to inspire you and impress your friends...

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